Monday, February 21, 2005

Obituary Death of My Inspiration and Literary Hero

"I read the news today oh boy. About a lucky man who made the grade. And though the news was rather sad. Well I just had to laugh. I saw the photograph. He blew his mind out in a car. He didn't notice that the lights had changed. A crowd of people stood and stared. They'd seen his face before. Nobody was really sure if he was from the House of Lords..." Lennon/McCartney


How many blogs right now are typing about the Gonzo Journalist who just passed away? Some ranting. Most saying how they will miss him, how they loved his work, and how they read all his books after discovering him. Most people of a later generation found him through the Fear and Loathing movie. People I work with just think he's a drug crazed loon or couldn't understand the movie. Even Tina found the book not totally to her liking, his style was her critique.

Where does that leave me? Well, personally I saw the movie and was confused, so I read the book. It was at a time when I myself was about to try shrooms, moved out on my own, and was already a drinker and toker of the herby. I started to dress like his gonzo persona at parties. Then I read Hell's Angels and the Campaign Trail 72 and discovered his sharp brilliance. He merged fiction and fact, though I like to think most of his stories are more fact then myth...His journalism was always on the spot and he was more honest, than any writer I have read.

Suicide is a choice of the individual, but it leaves a gap for all they impact. His son, wife, fans, and the world needed him. He stood up and wielded a rational voice amongst the haze of today's political landscape. He was my rock of reason; When I thought I was crazy.

He impacted me, because he seemed honest and on the side of good. He wasn't smoozing or lying; he had sincere beliefs and it was those moments in his work ,where he shed the cowboy rebel persona and you saw someone deeply upset, scared, and hurt. I think I often feel that way; you can defend this with humor and wit, or you can deny things and challenge notions, but we all get that brief moment where you feel weary. We are outnumbered, Bush was voted in. Nixon was voted in. And Pol Pot and all the others have trampled the land and evil triumphs with ignorance.

Good failed Sunday and his enemies will cheer. They will say he is a coward, they will say how god will not take him, they will say the last of the 60's druggies have gone. However, he did more to undermine the bastards then their slow fat brains will ever know. Rugh Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, Nixon, Bush, you dirty dirty cunt whores shall drown. Hunter once commented on those shitty dirty shacks they call churchs and (as a side note) fuck the faith based moral vote, they are the glaring IMMORAL. Let us not forget all wars, torture, corruption, child rape, and brain washing caused by all religions. The philosophy of religion while intriguing, must never be forced on others, the priest who studies and the church with open doors is fine. Its the church that imposes and meddles in government and public policy that is dangerous. A point I would like to make is if Jesus preached about the poor and not to judge before one judges oneself and if the rich would find it difficult getting into heave, then answer me this? Why in New York, when Cardinal Egan gives his mass, why do the rich sit in the front row? The politicians come up to the podium? Why are the homeless or prostitutes not allowed a front seat, or recovering drug addicts? Why does the elite represent itself in the church and why does the church spew hate and judge others as evil, yet the very same people who will rush to defend rapists, hide pedophiles and defend the mafia and rich such as Robert Chamberlin, but I digress...In the end, Hunter went down by his own hand.

Hunter loved guns, he loved freedom, he
saw the end and said ok, end of the book, Boom. I mean counter culture hero,
Morrisson, Hendrix, etc. there is something to the untimely death. If life
didn't kill Hunter, Hunter had to kill Hunter.

I mourn Hunter, I mourn Bill Hicks, and those who've yet to enlighten me.

The who was once said "...your very right to die is denied"
perhaps it was his last bit of genius to do things his way.


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