Sunday, June 11, 2006

Terry Jones

Quoted without permission but giving credit so i am not plagarizing from the Times Online:
"Ancient Rome has been a subject of serious public discussion this year. Boris Johnson, the Conservative MP and journalist, produced a book and television series drawing parallels between the European Union and the Roman empire. Terry Jones, the former Monty Python star, meanwhile, has spoken up for the barbarians’ technological and social achievements in a television series and has written...":

Every Time I see Terry Jones, I think of him naked playing the organ like in Python. I dunno with his teeth blacked out, hair wild, naked on an organ, his ass crack showing, makes you think the world is not a nihilist dreams or a fat, bald, man who still can not enjoy life and hates happiness... the passing of pleasure is as one with the passing of pain, and yes that does mean, that life is not that horrible. Oh we can say there is shittiness in death, just as there is in the birth of life, but the good parts are just as strongly good. Conan Doyle, once had Holmes, refelect on the beutuy and scent of a rose, and this is equally true. Some deny balance, but there is balance, i have had teeth pulled, miserable as it is, love is miserable a crush, a kiss, being rejected, but is this not the opposite of marriage, or drinking with friends.

The idea that the world needs to be blown up or that the have not suck, i was a have not who worked to find things he likes, and maybe the stuff the rich have is not anything to HAVE. that is the mistake of ranting depressives.
They always point out the rich and how they are fat, bald ugly, had nothing blahh blah, yet they turn into writers, get jobs, have songs they like, but then rant on the misery of it all.
ITs like hold the presses, either you make yourself happy or not, cause what the rich have, is phoney and shit anyways, that is the whole game.
And that is why there is pain, random death, and pleasures, its a wild game and mix. It will be horrible alright, but only shows you the good, in the end, its a guaranteed restart, death at its worst, will be nothing, as time before you were, born, but maybe we shouldnt fear it....

If i could see you all again and know it, that would be great...
I was thinking, one of the problems is I though heaven, is that all my friends and family are there. But what if someone I liked, was a sinner.
Then they may appear in heaven and not really be them, its just my Heaven, the real person could be suffering in hell.
Then I though, well how does th eperson here and now, how do I know, that person is real and not here cause some god or I thought them up. So yah, there is no reality folks.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Terry Jones has produced a crude piece of anti-Roman propaganda. The Romans did not call all foreigners "barbarians": this term was seldom applied to the Jews, Carthaginians or Parthians. The barbarians were typically northern tribes who were continually fighting amongst themselves and little concept of the rule of law.

His account of Trajan's conquest of Dacia is a travesty, leaving out prior raiding of Roman provinces by King Decebal and his subsequent treachery after accepting a peace treaty.

His scorn poured on Roman historians like Tacitus is also an outrage, given that he uses them as sources for Roman misdeeds. He believes Tacitus when he tells us that Roman officials raped Boudicca's daughters, but not when he tells us that the Druids practiced human sacrifice!

Jones is an emotional neo-Druid riding an anti-imperialist hobby-horse because of his dislike of modern-day America. Those who have a serious interest in this subject should read Romans and Barbarians by Derek Williams.

7:55 AM, June 17, 2006  

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