RUMANIA is a dream me and Jeff thought of, a long time ago, in the back of PASCAL class. Jeff still has the rum dollar somewhere. See, the rum dollar was crafted and hence the physical birth of RUMANIA was born. From a deep, semi religious experience, that can only equate with Beavis pondering the automatic toilets at the hoover damn, to a physical island with a real currency.
It would be a year later or more til I actually drank, first drink was a Heinken that was awkwardly purchased with Cousin Sean before attending a small gathering. I remember a lot of pieces of that night, we had taken the old D train over to Cortelyou Road. We were going to a house party and then Sean was going to take me to the clubs. An incredible night that actually is the definining moment of my life!
Chances are maybe I would have ended up at the clubs or not, but this is everything my life is today. That one fucking night, we went on the train and I remember we get off and there is O'leary up there, waving from the station...
We join up with him on the way to someone named Milton's apartment. I knew that some people from Lincoln would be there, than me and Sean were going to meet up with his friends at a gothic club called The Bank.
Before getting to the apartment I was asked if I wanted some booze and what did I want. Unlike now, over 10 years later, I had no clue about beer. I knew my dad drank Michelob, but I had not yet come to the realization of the Bud Forty, which is another story. I selected the Heinken, and little did I know, I would get to go to the Amsterdamn factory and it tasted just as shitty last year, as it did ten years ago. From that small gathering, where awkwardly, I felt awkward. I knew these people, but never socialized. So when I was there, I was ignored, but Sean talked with me, and off we went to the club, which is another very very long series of stories.
My point on RUMANIA is that I have a new law. Hells Angels, have nothing to do. They are a mass of people, in some ways in their own as Hunter S. said, fiver perecent way, they have to be Hells Angels. I think rather than letting the group be a force for complete anti-social violence, what if we accepted they are who they are, as I think Hunter S. pointed out. We should use them, and not continue to make them go way or ignore them.
In RUMANIA, I propose, we send them out to go after child molesters and rapists. Oh sure, the odd Hells Angel, may be a gang rapist, but there are more Hells Angels who will whip you for sleeping with their momma.
Let them loose, in an organized way. We identify a hit list of wanted rapists and molesters. Equip the Hells Angels with DNA technology. Look they know how to put a chopper together from spare parts, I think they could easily use a device that will be placed on someone, and informs them this is the right bastard. Let them catch look a likes, but if the DNA tester works, then its justice. Sure its a bit pricey, but we get the various chapters to hand these puppies out.
Hells Angels ride cross country, dabble with the underworld and know who is who down there.
They are mobile, connected, and can kick ass, especially in numbers. Their weapons are inexpensive yet efficient. Sure they have the odd gun or too, but put a real Hells Angel in there with a knife and chain, or a bar with a few bottles and chairs, and that man is dead. Let alone hand to hand with a crazed angel.
Let them ride out and keep a look out in sleazy motels, run down neighborhoods and dark bars. Let them find those bastards, then let them unleash, with no retribution by the state or govt. I mean....hunt em down....kill the fucks slowly and violently.
May it be one more thing a prick criminal has to think of is not punishment from the righteous, but punishment from the very depths of hell itself.
Ride on, because, I think they wouldn't mind this idea at all. I am asking to give these guys a legal outlet for getting wasted and bashing heads.
I say Hell Angels, we give you testing, we give you pictures, facts, lists of bastards. If you should cross one, and the test is positive, unleash....
It would be a year later or more til I actually drank, first drink was a Heinken that was awkwardly purchased with Cousin Sean before attending a small gathering. I remember a lot of pieces of that night, we had taken the old D train over to Cortelyou Road. We were going to a house party and then Sean was going to take me to the clubs. An incredible night that actually is the definining moment of my life!
Chances are maybe I would have ended up at the clubs or not, but this is everything my life is today. That one fucking night, we went on the train and I remember we get off and there is O'leary up there, waving from the station...
We join up with him on the way to someone named Milton's apartment. I knew that some people from Lincoln would be there, than me and Sean were going to meet up with his friends at a gothic club called The Bank.
Before getting to the apartment I was asked if I wanted some booze and what did I want. Unlike now, over 10 years later, I had no clue about beer. I knew my dad drank Michelob, but I had not yet come to the realization of the Bud Forty, which is another story. I selected the Heinken, and little did I know, I would get to go to the Amsterdamn factory and it tasted just as shitty last year, as it did ten years ago. From that small gathering, where awkwardly, I felt awkward. I knew these people, but never socialized. So when I was there, I was ignored, but Sean talked with me, and off we went to the club, which is another very very long series of stories.
My point on RUMANIA is that I have a new law. Hells Angels, have nothing to do. They are a mass of people, in some ways in their own as Hunter S. said, fiver perecent way, they have to be Hells Angels. I think rather than letting the group be a force for complete anti-social violence, what if we accepted they are who they are, as I think Hunter S. pointed out. We should use them, and not continue to make them go way or ignore them.
In RUMANIA, I propose, we send them out to go after child molesters and rapists. Oh sure, the odd Hells Angel, may be a gang rapist, but there are more Hells Angels who will whip you for sleeping with their momma.
Let them loose, in an organized way. We identify a hit list of wanted rapists and molesters. Equip the Hells Angels with DNA technology. Look they know how to put a chopper together from spare parts, I think they could easily use a device that will be placed on someone, and informs them this is the right bastard. Let them catch look a likes, but if the DNA tester works, then its justice. Sure its a bit pricey, but we get the various chapters to hand these puppies out.
Hells Angels ride cross country, dabble with the underworld and know who is who down there.
They are mobile, connected, and can kick ass, especially in numbers. Their weapons are inexpensive yet efficient. Sure they have the odd gun or too, but put a real Hells Angel in there with a knife and chain, or a bar with a few bottles and chairs, and that man is dead. Let alone hand to hand with a crazed angel.
Let them ride out and keep a look out in sleazy motels, run down neighborhoods and dark bars. Let them find those bastards, then let them unleash, with no retribution by the state or govt. I mean....hunt em down....kill the fucks slowly and violently.
May it be one more thing a prick criminal has to think of is not punishment from the righteous, but punishment from the very depths of hell itself.
Ride on, because, I think they wouldn't mind this idea at all. I am asking to give these guys a legal outlet for getting wasted and bashing heads.
I say Hell Angels, we give you testing, we give you pictures, facts, lists of bastards. If you should cross one, and the test is positive, unleash....
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