Chuck is dead again...
Maybe this time for real. I can't put up much longer with this world of being outnumbered by stupid ignorant animals and clearly no god or higher purpose or anything. Nothing quite matters and being cut off its no good. Everyday something else goes wrong, more work comes in, and more problems arise and I am just supposed to smile and go that is life? Well you can have life, take your Muslims, take your money, that your ignorant lying businessmen, take your phony stupid politicians, take your liberals, take your conservatives, and take all teenagers and that fucking shit HIP HOP and shove up your fucking ANIMAL ASSES. Rot in hell, to this crummy world except for probably a handful of friends, my parents, siblings, wife and cats, but when you got billions of other assholes, I am giving up the fight.
Once last chance, apparently I am being passed over for promotion and despite all I do, am being labelled a moaner by mgmt when I left the office in NYC a hero. Well now I am forced to find another job, start fresh, and hope i get sponsored on a work permit, hope my commute is OK, hope my salary is OK, in other words, I tried and lost at this game called life. I learned a lot a long the way its a shame its of no use and only makes you feel worse to be honest and right.
Doing the right thing gets you fucked and ignored, the cynics are right, why bother when a ten year old with a knife on the street has the law on their side and controls you.
Legalize shrooms, legalize pot, and blast classic rock, they were all I loved and a good whiskey, is that all I leave behind? I can't even get a gun to put in my mouth and end it all, I am not a writer, not an archaeologist, I am now not even good at office work. My marriage is spotty, my house is never finished, and I am worn out, burnt out, and miserable at 28. What the hell do I have to look forward to? Growing old, watching close relatives age and die, cancer at 35 because I smoke cigarettes now? I go sometimes a day without eating. Yes I have lots of dvds, but i live in paranoid fear cause I work so much of my belongings.
I never watch them, i never have the time or i am too tired or nobody who shares my interests.
You go through life being unique but i would rather join the masses but can't.
At least others like me became artists or contributed, i sold out, and even blew that. My thesis was rejected, I never even re read it out of the shere crap it was, i never made any point.
So that's me, the biggest odd nothing to ever happen. If I go remember the few good times unless my friends have things to say behind my back, my own parents don't even like me cause of the way their holiday was blown, even though i tried very hard, they hardly speak with me now after that, and that was months ago.
I can't even drive, i failed that. If you notch up my life its a failure that every violent 15 year old hip hop kid can laugh at me and know that they won in the game of life too.
So everyone take your planet, I can't wait til I am not in it anymore. I guess I will now start interviews and job hunt, set myself up for another let down, another failure, more unhappiness and maybe worse entrapment, banking it all. I bet most of my interviews will fail, I wont find a job i like with a tolerable commute or the hours i want, and i will end up taking a cut in pay and experience. Lets face it, i am a minority now.
Nobody likes Americans, i know nothing about English regulation, i have no certifications with England, why should I bother? They probably have some quiet cubicle just waiting for me to slowly crawl and retire too, then when they finally break me, i will try teaching and get heckled by animals for a penny a day salary, talking about history that I am not even sure about or trying to tell kids that anything at all actually matters, why set someone else up for disenchantment and failure, stay ignorant, love money, and stab backs, that is what wins, and people like me, we'll take the fall, but you all can keep you shitty existence.
My marriage was a nightmare, my honey moon was a nightmare, and I am tired of traveling, you see one mcdonalds you see them all, i broke out at the beach, and scuba will probably kill me. I never have time for anything i enjoy, i cant smoke weed, i cant play video games, and i have no time for much these days. So why live, its clear I am not wanted so it will be best when I step aside, I guess most memories of me will be making a fool out of myself drunk, a fitting end then, maybe i wanted to escape all this time, just too scared to do it.
Hell last night i even saw a shity monty python not sure why i like them. whats the point.
last album i thought was good is called Baron von tollbooth and the chrome nun. Probably me and 10 other hippies on the planet think the songs are good. Only thing i like on tv is metoclpyse or whatever that metal cartoon, but is that a reason to drag my ass out of bed everyday?
Thugs rule the streets whether your in england where its teenagers and yobs, or zimbawe where its militant negroes, or in the south where ignorant mullets and religious phonies squeeze enjoyment out of living.
I have nothing to contribute, so why should I fucking keep plodding on, even reading sucks. I am sorry crime and punishment has a crap ending.
Fuck Jesus and Mohammed, two made up stories no better than pinnochio.
Next time they try to say dinosaurs and humans are not evolved from monkeys, how do you explain petried wood and fossils of again....
whats the point of being me?
Once last chance, apparently I am being passed over for promotion and despite all I do, am being labelled a moaner by mgmt when I left the office in NYC a hero. Well now I am forced to find another job, start fresh, and hope i get sponsored on a work permit, hope my commute is OK, hope my salary is OK, in other words, I tried and lost at this game called life. I learned a lot a long the way its a shame its of no use and only makes you feel worse to be honest and right.
Doing the right thing gets you fucked and ignored, the cynics are right, why bother when a ten year old with a knife on the street has the law on their side and controls you.
Legalize shrooms, legalize pot, and blast classic rock, they were all I loved and a good whiskey, is that all I leave behind? I can't even get a gun to put in my mouth and end it all, I am not a writer, not an archaeologist, I am now not even good at office work. My marriage is spotty, my house is never finished, and I am worn out, burnt out, and miserable at 28. What the hell do I have to look forward to? Growing old, watching close relatives age and die, cancer at 35 because I smoke cigarettes now? I go sometimes a day without eating. Yes I have lots of dvds, but i live in paranoid fear cause I work so much of my belongings.
I never watch them, i never have the time or i am too tired or nobody who shares my interests.
You go through life being unique but i would rather join the masses but can't.
At least others like me became artists or contributed, i sold out, and even blew that. My thesis was rejected, I never even re read it out of the shere crap it was, i never made any point.
So that's me, the biggest odd nothing to ever happen. If I go remember the few good times unless my friends have things to say behind my back, my own parents don't even like me cause of the way their holiday was blown, even though i tried very hard, they hardly speak with me now after that, and that was months ago.
I can't even drive, i failed that. If you notch up my life its a failure that every violent 15 year old hip hop kid can laugh at me and know that they won in the game of life too.
So everyone take your planet, I can't wait til I am not in it anymore. I guess I will now start interviews and job hunt, set myself up for another let down, another failure, more unhappiness and maybe worse entrapment, banking it all. I bet most of my interviews will fail, I wont find a job i like with a tolerable commute or the hours i want, and i will end up taking a cut in pay and experience. Lets face it, i am a minority now.
Nobody likes Americans, i know nothing about English regulation, i have no certifications with England, why should I bother? They probably have some quiet cubicle just waiting for me to slowly crawl and retire too, then when they finally break me, i will try teaching and get heckled by animals for a penny a day salary, talking about history that I am not even sure about or trying to tell kids that anything at all actually matters, why set someone else up for disenchantment and failure, stay ignorant, love money, and stab backs, that is what wins, and people like me, we'll take the fall, but you all can keep you shitty existence.
My marriage was a nightmare, my honey moon was a nightmare, and I am tired of traveling, you see one mcdonalds you see them all, i broke out at the beach, and scuba will probably kill me. I never have time for anything i enjoy, i cant smoke weed, i cant play video games, and i have no time for much these days. So why live, its clear I am not wanted so it will be best when I step aside, I guess most memories of me will be making a fool out of myself drunk, a fitting end then, maybe i wanted to escape all this time, just too scared to do it.
Hell last night i even saw a shity monty python not sure why i like them. whats the point.
last album i thought was good is called Baron von tollbooth and the chrome nun. Probably me and 10 other hippies on the planet think the songs are good. Only thing i like on tv is metoclpyse or whatever that metal cartoon, but is that a reason to drag my ass out of bed everyday?
Thugs rule the streets whether your in england where its teenagers and yobs, or zimbawe where its militant negroes, or in the south where ignorant mullets and religious phonies squeeze enjoyment out of living.
I have nothing to contribute, so why should I fucking keep plodding on, even reading sucks. I am sorry crime and punishment has a crap ending.
Fuck Jesus and Mohammed, two made up stories no better than pinnochio.
Next time they try to say dinosaurs and humans are not evolved from monkeys, how do you explain petried wood and fossils of again....
whats the point of being me?
you spelled petrified wrong.
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