Saturday, December 15, 2007

Proof Against Religion Number One

The first in a series to dispel religion for the few with a brain, by god. I must be god, as I am more intelligent then the billions of animals that believe this crap, hence this really is my consciousness, when I go, you all go.

Multiple Religions

If religion was true and this goes for all of them, then why so many? A person born on an island, without exposure to let us say the three Big religions, Islam, Christanity, Judaism would not know of these potentially, if there was a true religion, would it not appear everywhere at once?
Why when we look at prehistory did the major religions often begin in times of political struggle? Jews fighting egyptians, christians fighting romans, Mohammed that sorry ass political hack trying to fight everyone with his left hand covered in his own poop!

While these occurred, Native Americans, Inuit, Africans, South Americans, all developed their own religions that in most cases lasted far longer than any of the major religions we actually see today. This is hard to grasp for most arabs and middle americans, because it requires thought and numbers.

If for example, Islam was the one true religion, why do we not see it appear on its own completely separate? Should not the Mayans have seen jesus? Why are the languages different, does god not speak in one tounge, and don't give me that tower of babylon shit.

Let us go back though, because most Americans and Arabs fail to read history. They would not understand if I started talking about Nuer Tribesman beliefs, even Eygyptian beliefs. Let us talk about two religions that some people are familiar with through movies. The Greeks and the Romans. Now the Greeks came first, with Zeus and their mulitple gods. People believed in them for thousands of years til it all fell by the wayside. It was brought back though by the Romans, but under different names for the gods.

Now, why then for people who lived a full life, were they deprived christianity or Islam? Was not their fault, why would the true god, not reveal himself to those people? Makes no fucking sense.

The obvious answer is that people make up their own religions, based on their own culture, their own ideas, and then their own languages so that for each unique culture, time period, and geographical area, we find each groups made up story. Which also explains why Neanderthals and early man may have buried their dead or in the case of Neanderthals possible antler cults. We often find in early man fertility mother figures which hints at early religion. This mother figure is not Jesus or Satan, just man's fear or maybe for these people, man's inner sense of something.

I don't think there is NOT something more to earth, I just think, like physics, its fairly out of our reach unless one thinks. I tend to lean towards hindu philosophy myself, based on shrooming, that its all consciousness and our own choices.

For example, two years ago I painted my room blue. When I woke up this morning, the room was blue and I liked it. God did not do that, I did that, in the past for myself. My life is good, not because I am white, but because I worked hard while others were stealing or being lazy, so that today I have money. See this is what liberals and everyone fails to grasp, they blame others, rather than themselves. It is always your life, not someone elses. This is why YOU do not go to fight others wars. See Dick Cheney and George Bush should fight, rather than steal your food and your life. That is why politicians use religion, it is a tool to scare people with the threat of some magical thing, to get people to do things for them. When you die, life ticks on.

So remember that you are god. You do what you want and you get what you do throughout your whole life until it stops. Before I was born, I have no memory for infinity, there was no problem with that. In fact, death infinity would be fine, I never worried about Jesus or the Romans or Attila the hun or hitler, until I was born. I do not apply those old problems to myself now though. Life is experience, treat the world ok, because just like before you were born, when you die, you never know if you will be awakened again, and what you will inherit. Treat people well, do right, punish the evil, make the world a better place, because you never know when you will COME BACK HERE. And that my friends, is the secret to life and religion.


Blogger Unknown said...

Wow. Thanks for writing this. I agree with you 100 percent. I think it's ridiculous the things people will make themselves believe. I mean c' mon... The forbidden fruit? If you're going to make up a religion atleast make it more convincing. Also, heres another fact. Back in the renaisance the bible considered prostitutes a blessing, having pictures of guys doing down on girl with a bird shoving his beak up the guys ass. No lie I've seen these. People just re-write the bible whenever the heck they feel like it to make them suite what they wish to believe. It's all a bunch of bs & I truly wish people would stop waisting their damn lives with the whole religion crap. Torturing themselves by denying themselves of certain pleasures just go get accepted into something that doesn't exist.

7:41 AM, July 28, 2009  

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