Sunday, October 09, 2005

Contradictions tsk tsk...

David Cameron, a young Torrie (Deary me what a rebellious idea) has given the ultimate political contradictions on drugs. First off, why do we need 90 year olds in charge of govt anyways, shouldn't it represent a cross section of different ages. Anyways that is another topic. See quote below from link above:

"I did lots of things before I come into politics which I shouldn't have done. We all did," said Mr Cameron. "I didn't spend my early years thinking I mustn't do certain things because I might become a politician. I didn't know I was going to be a politician."

Is it that hard to say I smoked pot? I would vote for a politican that came out and said hey one night I drank too many pints and I barfed on myself. One time I couldn't find a toilet and I took a piss in public. I once went to a party and smoked some weed it was great. Hey one time we did shrooms and I totally got in touch with my inner thoughts, maybe this is all an illusion. I would further like to add that I've had numerous hummers and even did it on all fours once. Hey, I am a normal guy vote for me.
But you won't get that.
Europe and America have still not recovered from the lunacy of victorian times and the control of religious denial.

And the greatest bit of irony is that he says that he did not do those because he did not know he was a politician. How can you sit around though and pass laws and make others lives miserable for stuff you are practically admitting you did yourself.
I mean hey, I didn't know I was going to be a citizen and actually respect govt, believe politicans and have any blind faith whatsoever?


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5:46 PM, October 09, 2005  

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