Saturday, March 10, 2007

Shiva Praise Lemmy: Why England Needs Lemmy Now More Than Ever

The thugs of today are younger than 18, sometimes as young as eight or ten. Mere children, fed a pop culture of Hip Hop, that is more damaging than anything fun satanism could have dreamt up; with Black Sabbath being a dark joke, compared to what that two bit nigger 50 cent inspires. Oops did I say Nigger? I forgot NYC banned it!
Funny, they ban the word nigger only when blacks started using it (remember it takes these liberal good doers ten fucking years to catch onto any trend). In one of the most racist things I have seen a liberal do in a while, this takes the cake.
Blacks were called nigger historically in what we know to be a derogatory way. Sometime in the eighties blacks, like most oppressed sub cultures, realized that to combat ignorant white trash fucking assholes (who by the way YOU LOST THE CIVIL WAR STOP HANGING THAT GODDAM FLAG OF FAILURE, NORTHERNERS WAVE YOUR BLUE FLAG YOU WON BABY), the black subculture adopted the word nigger as a positive thing. This was true rational genius. Unlike praying to god for slavery or for racism to go way, they did something realistic. They co opted the word as theirs and took the power away. Much like shaving off a red necks mullet, they left their racist oppressors immobile.

So New York City, land of the liberal decides, that to help the conservatives out, they will stop smart average blacks from using nigger. This was driven by educated, protected, white blacks, who shudder at jokes, just like white liberals. So they cower, and will give their enemies the very thing they have been missing, a tag word. A word that used to denote hatred and inferiorism, that was turned into a term of inside endearment, will now be reversed. The banning of nigger, will not work. But let us pretend it does, in a way, they are striking at music and pop culture. Black hip hop stars are phoney, and when their records do not get awards, or songs are banned, then they will sell out and stop saying nigger to make sure they get their bling. The word nigger will stop being used by blacks, so once again it can become a linguistic power tool to be used by whites.

Good job assholes at banning words. Fucking white niggers.

So how the hell does Lemmy fit into this shit?
God dammit England needs Lemmy now.
Eight YearOld Child terrors?,,2-2007110052,00.html
The law arresting citizens who stand up to them?
I am being intimidated and talked down to by suburban teens, cause the cops will arrest ME if I do anything!!!


Wear the black, put on the swastika necklace, and kick the fucking shit out of them. Drink Jack Daniels, and smoke. Yah they are going to ban smoking in July, Lemmy Smoked, lots of people smoke, hell my wifes Uncle, smoked unfiltereds and is in his seventies. My grandmother died of alzheimers not lung disease. And everyone over sixty, you can't eat, can't smoke, can't drink, for what? To live to see twice removed baby monkeys you call children? Oh fuck off. You want to see babies, go to a maternity ward.
Hell these latin american or third world bores, that live to one hundred and fifty, they have so many goddamn great grandchildren at their age they probably call them all lopo or margaritta, who the fuck knows, are you my kid, I name you senor uno now me leave me a lone, I have to eat my bannannas.
Smoking is like all other bans, to take away your experience. Your government and liberals want you to be happy smiling bland, un individuals little numbers, that are kept in fear of the poor and ignorant, but kept working to support them. They want you to work all the time, give your money to ignorants, and smile as they rape and stab you. FUCK THEM and fuck religion while I am at it, except hindu philosophy, not the religion, but shit they got the philosopohy right. I swear if the Greeks had acid, this world would be an amazing place to live, but the hindus had some shit, but not the rationalism...

Back to Lemme.

Lemmy is ugly (in the press sense, media, consumerism sense), Lemmy is real. These phonies like Kate Moss and that untalented Junkie boyfriend of hers from the baby shambles, who has no musical talent. Bad as Iggy Pop was when he was a Junkie (two was was in a sentence equal WAS UP!!), the bastard could belt out a hit to keep the junk a flowin, this baby shambles hack couldn't make good music if you were dangling the crack in front of him for it.

I will not be terrorized by teens. I will break the law to defend myself. I will wear black to work. I will smoke dope and I will fucking drink Jack Daniels, and if I die, you can all see me in fucking hell with Lemmy. I will not listen to crap music, I will not like Hip Hop EVER, I will not fucking be afraid of defending my house, my wife, or anything against someone five years old. I hate conservatives, conferences, committees, people, culture, liberals, old grannies, and the rebel flag.

England where is your fucking balls?

God Dammit, England Needs Lemmy!


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