New House, Kerouac, All Things Are Easy
Today I now have my own home. 26 years of waiting. It's in London, with a wonderful garden. The neighborhood is suburban, I have acheived Eighties Yuppie Hood. Seems as if dreams come true, but was it worth the journey? Is life all it seems? I don't know, but somewhere on the second floor of that house, I intend to find out.
I just drank an entire bottle of champagne. Check that. I am drinking a bottle of champagne. I am almost done with on the road by Kerouac, I will post some quotes I found interesting(at a later date).
There is so much to talk and write about. Being alone I don't get to communicate or share all my experiences. Most of it revolves around my job, but who wants to discuss that? Despite Bush and all the bad things, good things abound. CBS 101.1 died, but Cousin Brucie moved to satellite radio and can finally play what he wants. I have no radio here, but winamp comes with a wonderful radio set up, and right now procol harum whiskey train is on, I mean who plays that on a commercial radio? Makes my thesis, which sucked anyways, redundant.
What is the point of blog writing and personal expression? Nobody will listen, but is it the the intention to have people listen, to have people follow or believe what just lil ole me says? We are outnumbered by idiots. The public often reminds me of school where a few people study, do well, and graduate(a smaller few with high marks and real social potential). The rest are idiots, and they make up the voting populace, life goes on. Bad music, no art, cell phone mania, and that wonderful combination of religion and idocy that pervades today's society. Yet look back through history and we still have it lucky!!! (comparitively speaking)
What can one do?
I gave up. I am not here to influence anyone, I will not change the world, and I even gave up on defending myself. If the next wave of nazi's come along, guess what? They shall. No. I look for a wider purpose. I mean one can be killed, beat up, or anything bad by anyone. Or random accidents like car accidents, cancer, or your personal infomation being sold by a fat irish guy, who just happens to own a hut in nigeria, because he went down there to get some pussy, and all the poor bastard found was a few huts, some internet cafes, a corrupt general who likes gin, and three (count them; one, two, three.) whole chickens.
I say let's experience good things. Fear not the bad things. Plod on my friends or who ever you are. Let my thoughts sit here for my own amusement and self history. As life plods on, I see that it is all thoughts and illusion. The end is not the end and the beginning was not the beginning. Death seals nothing, ends nothing, starts nothing, but it is, and I feel more and more, NOT NOTHING!
I just drank an entire bottle of champagne. Check that. I am drinking a bottle of champagne. I am almost done with on the road by Kerouac, I will post some quotes I found interesting(at a later date).
There is so much to talk and write about. Being alone I don't get to communicate or share all my experiences. Most of it revolves around my job, but who wants to discuss that? Despite Bush and all the bad things, good things abound. CBS 101.1 died, but Cousin Brucie moved to satellite radio and can finally play what he wants. I have no radio here, but winamp comes with a wonderful radio set up, and right now procol harum whiskey train is on, I mean who plays that on a commercial radio? Makes my thesis, which sucked anyways, redundant.
What is the point of blog writing and personal expression? Nobody will listen, but is it the the intention to have people listen, to have people follow or believe what just lil ole me says? We are outnumbered by idiots. The public often reminds me of school where a few people study, do well, and graduate(a smaller few with high marks and real social potential). The rest are idiots, and they make up the voting populace, life goes on. Bad music, no art, cell phone mania, and that wonderful combination of religion and idocy that pervades today's society. Yet look back through history and we still have it lucky!!! (comparitively speaking)
What can one do?
I gave up. I am not here to influence anyone, I will not change the world, and I even gave up on defending myself. If the next wave of nazi's come along, guess what? They shall. No. I look for a wider purpose. I mean one can be killed, beat up, or anything bad by anyone. Or random accidents like car accidents, cancer, or your personal infomation being sold by a fat irish guy, who just happens to own a hut in nigeria, because he went down there to get some pussy, and all the poor bastard found was a few huts, some internet cafes, a corrupt general who likes gin, and three (count them; one, two, three.) whole chickens.
I say let's experience good things. Fear not the bad things. Plod on my friends or who ever you are. Let my thoughts sit here for my own amusement and self history. As life plods on, I see that it is all thoughts and illusion. The end is not the end and the beginning was not the beginning. Death seals nothing, ends nothing, starts nothing, but it is, and I feel more and more, NOT NOTHING!