Friday, June 01, 2007


I been thinking about drinking and who would be some cool people to drink with. Hopefully I do not cover the standards.

1. Humphrey Bogart- A lot of people are big on John Wayne, I never got into him. He probably would be fun to drink with, but I don't know how (in Gary's words) REAL he would be? Now Bogey, he's real. The characters he played seemed to be an extension of himself, a laid back quiet man, who knew how to yell and fight with his women and knock a few back, like me. Yes, me and Bogey would have got a long just fine, and would love to share a bourbon with him.

2. Ringo- I dunno, I just want to have a drink with Ringo.

3. Ernest Borgnine- In 1975 I would have loved to have had a drink with Ernest Borgnine, the guy reeked of seventies and shit he must have been a blast at a bar.

4. Socrates- Long as he didn't try to put his hand on my dick, I could argue with the guy all night.

5. Jim Leyritz- This guy was my favorite fucking baseball player. He would twirl his bat after every pitch. The guy was a monster during the playoffs, used to slam out home runs that won fucking games. This scotch is for you.


Heaven is for idiots. First off, let us think of death. Freddie Mercury sang who Wants to Live Forever. He was right. You ever stop and think about the great things death does? Look at people, they are born blank slate, and still you get all sorts of ignorant, lazy, stupid slobs. You get assholes like nazis, liberals, and religious assholes. You get work a holic slicked back dick head business yupps. I mean can you imagine the world if people from the twelth century were still around? Not fun.

In fact, I think most people are filler. Look at China, name one personality in the crowd?

Death is purely around for motivation, its the kick in the ass to do stuff for the few who have a real life and a future. Death is also like a reset button, when you play a role playing game or an action game and your sucking big time, you sometimes gotta hit reset or you need to start over. That is also what death is, imagine if you could live forever and some nutcase like hitler sealed you in an iron box, that you might be stuck in forever?
So of course, you need a fucking reset button. In fact, I think life is a game. You start with binary conditions, ones zeroes, left right, yin yang, then you build in some rules. Two hydrogens and oxygen bond to form something useful, etc.
Now you start with very very simple rules and out of that grows amazing complexity, this has been demonstrated time and again now by modern mathmaticians.

Some of us are gods, others are filler in a program that has no point but to live, but live with a reset button, which brings me to heaven and hell. Heaven would be boring, at some point, you are gonna sick of it. Again, its a video game with the cheat code. I remember shrooming once by myself and I swear I went to some holding area, like outside of the game of life. And you know its always there and that a lone was comforting, a break for myself, otherwise, I gotta keep at this game, but its nice to know, it has an ending.

Because I really fucking hate most people....especially anyone islamic or pushy christian.

Also can I make myself clear. I fucking hate relgious people and unlike race, which to be purely predjudiced is wrong, i find that being totally predjudiced against religious people IS FUCKING RIGHT. That's correct, anyone who believes in a religion seriously enough, is a fucking dope.
Now i like my hinduism on the side, but that is purely for the philosophy, ask me if there is a god and i say possibly, in fact lately i am leaning to multiple gods. But ask me if I practice and lean on faith, well that is stupidity. What comes, comes, at least I know the rules of the game.

When death comes, whatever it is, can not be too bad, cause I had no complaints before being born.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Thy Hell is My Heaven

And the religious people gathered in great masses. They had died and with souls ressurrected back to human flesh they came. They gathered in tears, and formed a mass of people in the open field. Sun shinning, grass beneath their feet, the believers waited for Jesus, Mohammed, and two people for Osiris.

The pain was not only intense but sudden. Men, women, children, filthy arabs, all fell. Onto their hands and knees the believers were hit with rational, physical, reality. The laws of physics were unkind as their colons and bile poured out of their mouths. Writhing in burning pain, the ingorant were left like this for thousands of years.
That is...

Until Chuck cameth down from his bar with the real rational gods. And told his friends, after a thousand years I pity the moronic apes I had to deal with in the existence called earth. And Chuck walketh down, and seeth the pain and stress of the ignorant believers, for belief means to lie to oneself and make misery of others.

Chuck looketh and them and said hear me you fucking assholes, I am gonna turn it up a notch and in the words of the great Spinal Tap. Chuck turned it up to eleven, because everyone elses amps only go up to ten.

Amen, fuck off religious morons every single one of you.