Sunday, June 19, 2005

As Promised: Selected Quotes From Jack Kerouac and his novel On The Road. Plus The Recommended Song of the Week/Blog Posting.

"I said, 'There must be some ideal bars in town.' 'The ideal bar doesn't exist in America. An ideal bar is something that's gone beyond our ken. In nineteen ten a bar was a place where men went to meet during or after work, and all there was was a long counter, brass rails, spittoons, player piano for music, a few mirrors, and barrels of whisky at ten cents a shot together with barrels of beer at five cents a mug. Now all you get is chromium, drunken women, fags, hostile bartenders, anxious owners who hover around the door, worried about their leather seats and the law; just a lot of screaming at the wrong time and deadly silence when a stranger walks in."

Yes that is the bar quote. There are other philosophical and deep quotes. Alas, I didn't book mark them. That may be the only quote! In no way does it capture the book though. Life is the road and what is the point of life, is the book.

And here is your song of the week:
Led Zeppelin: Carouselambra - I love how the rock plays over the synthesizer. If only there was more of that in the eighties. Rock critics, pop critics, and the cynics bashed good music and musicians as dinosaurs(during the later half of the seventies and through the eighties), especially if they were white. In a post modern, nothing is good or bad critique, the liberals still managed to hold a grudge against their perceived theivery of rock chords from the black blues musicians. Once in power, the ivory tower out of touch bastards, bashed rock bands as dinosaurs and over done drum, guitar soloing, glitter assholes. Failing to note that the better bands did not sell out as much as the ugly pop emblems that stole their sound(though in an unrespectful profit way that I think most of the band who borrowed from the blues did not do).
In its place rose a legacy of hip hop. Where no talented, urban, minority musicians, won constant praise and this coincided with a complete sell out to corporate ads and the notion of branding. Where all of life, products, the economy and the future of society revolved around some strange statistic that the only people who buy things are the unemployed 15-20 year old male sect. This rendered adults, deep thought, protestant work ethics and all things non-teenage, irrelevant.
Today we have 20 years of hip hop. Dumb rhyming, complaining of free govt, tax payer hand outs (the only humans with free housing who destroyed it themselvs and have only themselves to blame, yet still strive to blame it on white people or others, they probably even attack working blacks and spanish...let me add that i see skin color as no issue, but these people use it in their defense, we all know good people who work hard and bad people. Believe me, I hate plenty of white people like the pope and southern baptists/evangelical, jesus licking- man-whores), without any solutions or care, branding of corporate items on people who have not the mind or jobs to buy them, and old rap stars who talk about gang banging, while living in mansions, yet are not called dinosaurs. Untalented, with no literacy, original ideas, or musical skill. They copy and sample, yet escape the critism of new wave bands who did the same. They plod on, and migrate out to the suburbs, where spoiled white teens think that violence is expression and idiocy the path to wealth, while the Indians, Chinese, and most third worlders, catch up and take their jobs. Yes Led Zeppelin, the hard path in life, learning to play an instrument while drunk, on drugs, and screwing disease ridden groupies. They were fucking good.
End of Rant.

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