Friday, March 21, 2008

Style over Substance and Old Men

My manager yesterday brought me into a room. I manage a small team and young, diverse people, with one older guy in his forties. I have been doing this for the past six months given that the previous team manager went on maternity leave, after dumping all her work on me, and screwing me over for a promotion.
She was hired about a year ago, from a Scottish Bank, she thinks she is well and intelligent, but knows as they say in England fuck all.
When I asked my manager what my role will be when I come back, I was told something like a deputy, in other words, more responsibility, opportunity for this returning manager to dump work on me, but no pay or respect.
When I said, well she doesn't know anything about how the systems work or the job, I was told 'She has a way of walking into a room and getting people on board, she may not understand but will go back and learn'. In other words, style over substance, let me translate into truth: "She is a phony, she smiles, tells people what they want to hear, knows nothing, will lie, and then dump the work on others to take credit so she can rise up on a complete lack of knowledge"
This is what has infected this decade.
Why are governments failing? Why are institutions failing? Because we put smiling liars into positions where they know nothing. This is like asking a mathematician working with NASA to calculate the risk of Foam, smile and tell everyone its OK no problem, and wait oops the shuttle has blown up.
Or politicians with no psychology, sociology or knowledge of history, ethics, right and wrong. Just having money, connections, smiles, lies, and belief and then acting on things that are not only wrong, but proven wrong. My friends 1+1 equals 2. I can show that to you with two oranges. But people like my soon to be manager and George Bush will tell you 1 +1 equals 3, and that is why the world is fucked and we live in a nightmare. God damn then all....but hey heh heh heh...I am still here and there are others like me, beware because my vengeance is going to be painfully real. This is a warning to my returning manager, I am going to finally apply all my thoughts, all my knowledge, not god or belief, but rational, realistic, truth and vicious painful calculated vengeance to make her life, and her families life, a living....real....fucking hell.

Old Men

This leads me to old men. At work I refused to allow a trade to go through because of the Regulators concept of suitability. I was excluded the next day from a series of meetings, our lawyers worked out a way to get the trade done because the person doing this trade, was doing it through his wifes account. However, the client was good friends with the number three man at the company.

The second failure of our decade and of history in fact is that humans can not help doing things for friends and relatives. I won't write out the fancy word for this as I am anti-University, which is another post on ivory towers at some point. I digress...
They got the trade done because this guy was friends with the client, even though it put the firm and all of us at risk which is not what they preach to us or the masses.
This fact that we can not trust institutions with their lies, is something the masses fail to grasp.
The public is kept dumb on lies, religion and non stop commercialism, we have no idea who to trust.
I trust Jack Daniels, because for all their advertising I was there and saw it.
I do not trust my bank, because of what I have seen on the inside...
The problem with doing things for friends is that without strong ethics you can make rash decisions. What is worse is that as I mentioned above when we infect our institutions with morons, smiling phonies, with no knowledge, they tend to pick bad friends.
For example, George Bush would say yah know I met Putin, great guy funny, he is my friend. But Putin is a heartless corrupt nut case.
Or Dick Cheney goes, yup that guy is my friend, good times with him when we go hunting, but this guy may head up a Nuclear Waste disposal company that dumps its left overs into our rivers and streams.
Let us not forget that my bank and others think those gooks in china are their they crack down on Buddhists and attempt to censor us and take over the world, the more they put their ass on that country, the more we will be under the control of that country.
In Summary, Friendship, is multiplied into the American nightmare, because we put style of substance, and their friends are very bad, which makes bad decisions even worse.
I learned something yesterday, I don't need their fucking money or their shit. No matter how hard I work it is a number and I have the same stuff the middle class has. And if you think the rich got it so much better, they don't, they are just fools. A Big Mac sometimes is tastier than the garbage pork and tart I had at this over priced shit hole near work that sells itself as fancy. They are being conned, again too stupid, but they got every teenager wanting to be like that ghetto fool Stephan Marburry. We both went to the same high school, he thinks dog torturing is fine, because he made it rich by dribbling a basketball, but yah know, he will always be a moron, and will always have spit in his food, and his phonyism will never hid the fact his relatives and himself are failures in thought and in life, money is number, sneakers all look the same, and basketball right now is boring and sucks, cause of lazy cunts like him.

Style over substance, and old men...
And close to the anniversary of Iraq, THAT is how we got into the war and nothing some talking head on TV or my ex professors will tell you.

"....By the Uzi machine gun, does the recoil remind you of sex, Old man what the hell you gonna kill next. I looked over Jordan and what did I see. Saw a U.S. Marine in a pile of debris. I swam in your pools and lay under your palm trees. I looked in the eyes of the Indian who lay on the Federal Building steps. And through the ranger finder over the hill. I saw the front line boys popping their pills. sick of the mess they find, On their desert stage, and the bravery of being out of range. Yeah the question is vexed. Old man what the hell you gonna kill next. Old timer who you gonna Kill Next..."